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Iran Now Convinced Pakistan Allowed Covert CIA Ops Against It

Foreign Minister Qureshi angered Turkey and Iran, and gave a concession to Washington for free. He forgot that his logic can be used against Pakistan—his American friends say India is not a threat, so why the Pakistani nukes?

India Thinking Small, Again

Why whine about weapons worth two billion dollars to Pakistan, over five years, when India is spending fifteen times that figure in less than two years? Welcome to a big country with the brain of a mouse. It’s a mind problem.

US Media Defends Zardari, Attacks Geo And Judiciary

US Media Defends Zardari, Attacks Geo And Judiciary

It is amazing that the mainstream US media is now deciding how the Pakistani media should conduct itself. It is a natural follow-up to US politicians and think-tank types deciding who should rule Pakistan and who shouldn’t, and who should be the designated enemy of Pakistan and who isn’t. In blaming the Americans, we also blame ourselves, our political and military rulers who emboldened foreigners to meddle in our affairs.

Fighting Pashtuns Not Pakistan’s War

Fighting Pashtuns Not Pakistan’s War

Pakistani Pashtuns cannot be stopped from sympathizing with Afghan Pashtuns. Pakistan must tell United States to solve the Afghan Pashtun problem inside Afghanistan. Islamabad should also dispute US claims about the quality of Al Qaeda presence and strength on the Pak-Afghan border. Pakistan’s tribal belt is not responsible for American rout in Afghanistan.

A ‘Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style

A ‘Nobel’ Mob Ambush, Chicago Style

The Nobel for Peace 2010 should be seen for what it is: a cheap, below-the-belt political hit disguised as a peace award. Guess who was going nuts watching China and Europe getting closer just before this spoiler was thrown?

Quraishi: Only One NATO Supply Line Closed, Partial Message

Quraishi: Only One NATO Supply Line Closed, Partial Message

Only a few hours after Islamabad closed NATO supplies into Afghanistan, political commentator and senior research fellow at Project For Pakistan In 21st Century, Ahmed Quraishi, explains on Russia’s RTTV how this is a partial ban and a partial message. Only one of two major crossings were closed and no one from the Pakistani government or military actually came out to say, ‘Yes, we closed the route because they killed three of our soldiers.’ The Pakistani message is clear but not total, for the time being.

Was A Fourth Military Coup Averted In Pakistan?

Was A Fourth Military Coup Averted In Pakistan?

The paranoid elected government of President Asif Zardari has been out battling shadows and ghosts, whipping up anti-military sentiment when the military never planned a coup of any sort against him. His problems are with the Supreme Court on legal grounds. To calm frayed nerves, it appears Gen. Kayani agreed to let Zardari and Gilani issue a statement on the three’s commitment to ‘defending’ democracy. Pakistani military could also be bound by ’sovereign guarantees’ given as back as 2007 stating that Pakistani military won’t destabilize a government created through the US-sponsored NRO deal.

India Desperate For A Photo Op, Pakistan Shouldn’t Give It

A desperate India is cooking up another ruse: It wants Pakistan to send its foreign minister to shake hands with his Indian counterpart in New York so that New Delhi could demoralize Kashmiri protesters and tell them Pakistan approves of Indian genocide in Kashmir. Islamabad must not give this photo-op to New Delhi. Instead, it should exploit Indian desperation in occupied Kashmir.

Cynthia McKinney: Haqqani Blocked Me From Sharing Info On Dr. Aafia With Pakistan Government

Cynthia McKinney: Haqqani Blocked Me From Sharing Info On Dr. Aafia With Pakistan Government

Former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney confirms Ambassador Husain Haqqani denied her visa to come to Islambabad where she wanted to share important information regarding Dr. Aafia Siddiqui’s case with the Pakistani government. This strengthens British journalist Evonne Ridley’s accusations that Amb. Haqqani has been scuttling Dr. Siddiqui’s case behind the scenes.

CIA Encouraged Third Countries To Cross Border Into Pakistan

CIA Encouraged Third Countries To Cross Border Into Pakistan

Ahmed Quraishi on Russia Today television explains how CIA has been using third-country intelligence services to violate Pakistani sovereignty and conduct operations inside Pakistan. So the story about a 3,000-strong secret army made up of Afghans and run by CIA conducting operations inside Pakistan is alarming but comes as no surprise.

Is Pakistan Losing Young Kashmiris?

Forget India. They don’t have a case on Kashmir anyway. But is Pakistan’s case getting weaker because Islamabad is out of sync with Kashmir’s new generation of freedom fighters?

An Abduction Blamed On Pakistani Spooks

An Abduction Blamed On Pakistani Spooks

Some government-linked politicians have been whispering to the media that ISI and MI did it because they were enraged at Mr. Cheema’s coverage of the ‘missing persons’ issue. That might be, but what about the government avenging Mr. Cheema’s groundbreaking story on how President Zardari and his aides hired Turkish female ‘escorts’ and failed to pay them their dues resulting in a court case in Turkey?

AQ To Ukrainian Magazine: Economy First, Education Second, Democracy Third

Development and building institutions and traditions is more important for a new country than democracy. That’s precisely what Pakistan needed and continues to need. In Pakistan, we need a visionary nationalistic leadership at the top backed by the strength of the Pakistani military to install a confident visionary leadership and give it consistency and continuity. That’s the formula that worked for China. The more time we waste in propping up a fake democracy, the more Pakistan will come closer to internal failure.

Enduring Lessons From Pakistan’s 1965 India War

India is an enemy. United States is an untrustworthy friend. And we better not ditch Iran, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and those who came to our help then.

Quetta Attack: The Responsibility Of Jundullah, Afghanistan And The Organizers

Quetta Attack: The Responsibility Of Jundullah, Afghanistan And The Organizers

Iran has seen attacks on Shia mosques by elements claiming to be Sunnis. But there are no Sunni sectarian groups in Iran. The terrorists who have been attacking Iranian targets are based in US-controlled Afghanistan claiming to represent Sunnis. The attacks in Quetta today and in Karachi and Lahore on Wednesday share the same origin as the attacks in Iran: they are masterminded by terrorists who hide on the border with Afghanistan and have links to foreign intelligence agencies based there.