
Archive for the Category ‘WikiLeaks’

Pakistani Media Helps Expedite Release Of WikiLeaks India Cables

Pakistani Media Helps Expedite Release Of WikiLeaks India Cables

Complaints in Pakistani media about selective and politically-motivated manipulation of WikiLeaks cables by New York Times, Guardian and Der Spiegel prompt the whistle blowing website to expedite the release of cables on India.

Pakistani Giants Act As Pygmies: Premature ‘Retractions’ On WikiLeaks Story

Pakistani Giants Act As Pygmies: Premature ‘Retractions’ On WikiLeaks Story

Several Pakistani newspapers presented a funny scene next morning: falling over each other to apologize and explain. Pakistani giants were ruffled by a British newspaper that offered its own interpretation. None of the Pakistani giants had it in them to assess and reach their own conclusions.

Indian Media Confirms What Pakistani Media ‘Retracted’

Indian Media Confirms What Pakistani Media ‘Retracted’

Indian media publishes what Pakistani media groups apologized for | More leaks confirm The Daily Mail’s report that was carried a day later by others | Wikileaks starts posting cables from US Embassy in India on its site | Wikileaks claims having 1,300 secret cables from US Mission at New Delhi | The Guardian’s claim and Indian media’s stance of no cable about India from US Embassy amongst the Wikileaks database evaporate suddenly | Indian newspapers publish new Wikileaks against India | Indian papers publish what US Ambassador to India wrote about 26/11, Why Karkare was killed? | Certain Pakistani media houses termed the same report as fake, apologized for publishing the facts

India’s RSS Deadlier Than Al-Qaeda: Indian State Legislator

India’s RSS Deadlier Than Al-Qaeda: Indian State Legislator

India’s RSS Deadlier Than Al-Qaeda: Indian State Legislator
Two Indian Muslim legislators are being hounded by the Saffron alliance, a codename for India’s rising extremist Hindu groups. One of the legislators quoted WikiLeaks cables to dub the Saffron alliance as deadlier than Al-Qaeda. The other one presented evidence showing two of India’s largest companies – Reliance [...]

Singapore Diplomat Calls India ‘Stupid’, According To WikiLeaks

Singapore Diplomat Calls India ‘Stupid’, According To WikiLeaks

Singapore’s Ambassador at Large criticized India and its foreign policy in Asia during a meeting with US diplomats.

Publisher Of WikiLeaks On India: ‘Any Inconvenience To Indians Is Regretted’

Publisher Of WikiLeaks On India: ‘Any Inconvenience To Indians Is Regretted’

The Daily Mail’s story was dubbed ‘fake’ by The Guardian, which denies there is anything that embarrasses India in leaked US diplomatic cables. A couple of Pakistani newspaper prematurely ‘admitted’ it’s a hoax and one newspaper offered its own conspiracy theory, ‘It’s the work of agencies.’ Here is the editor of the newspaper explaining his side of the story.

Spinning The Leaks, Guardian Style

Spinning The Leaks, Guardian Style

CANADIAN WRITER JUSTIN BODUR: We should get used to looking at the cables themselves, and not letting the Guardian or anyone else (including Wikileaks if it comes to that) interpose themselves. That really is one of the most amazing things about Wikileaks – not that it gives the data to the Guardian, but that it gives the data to anyone. That is part of the reason that there is this unbelievable global persecution of Wikileaks going on (and not, for example, of the Guardian).

Guardian Uses WikiLeaks For Propaganda, Pakistani Media Can’t?

Guardian Uses WikiLeaks For Propaganda, Pakistani Media Can’t?

UK’s Guardian newspaper declared that WikiLeaks on India are fake. Really? Is US envoy Timothy Roemer’s cable of 16 Feb. 2010 calling Indian military “slow and slumbering” fake? Didn’t he call Indian military doctrine a “myth”? Guardian, along with NYT and a German magazine, ruined the good work of WikiLeaks by selectively releasing cables angled to attack nations at odds with US, British and Nato policies.

Putin Supports Assange, Ridicules Washington’s Democracy Claim

Putin Supports Assange, Ridicules Washington’s Democracy Claim

As sources in the Kremlin suggest WikiLeaks founder be nominated for a Nobel Prize, Russia’s Vladimir Putin voiced support for Julian Assange and assailed the United States for its ‘undemocratic’ attitude toward the Website owner. He said Americans have no right to lecture others on democracy after this incident.

Haqqani: Treat Pakistanis Like ‘Rug-Sellers’, Horny Shy Woman

Haqqani: Treat Pakistanis Like ‘Rug-Sellers’, Horny Shy Woman

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States tells US officials Pakistanis will accept peanuts in any deal and that Pakistan is like a horny woman that wants sex but not without some material benefits first.

Dr. Mazari On US Envoy/Bully Anne W. Patterson

Dr. Mazari On US Envoy/Bully Anne W. Patterson

WikiLeaks cables from US embassy in Islamabad reveal the extent of US meddling in Pakistan. Dr. Mazari should know. Former US envoy blocked her column in a newspaper.

Wikileaks Leak About India, Israel And Afghanistan

Wikileaks Leak About India, Israel And Afghanistan

US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks show the mistrust US officials harbor toward Indian leaders. The former Indian army chief Gen. Kapoor is described by one cable as ‘incomptenet combat leader’ with ‘unrealistic war doctrines’. The current Indian army chief is dubbed as ‘egotist’ and ’self-obsessed’. Privately, US diplomats admit Karzai has allowed India and Iran to expand intelligence presence inside his country. Israeli spy chiefs are accused of raising assassination teams and drawing up war plans against Iran.

Pakistani Politician Who Resisted US Embassy In Islamabad

Pakistani Politician Who Resisted US Embassy In Islamabad

Imran Khan, the only Pakistani politician who refused to toe the line set by the US Embassy in Islamabad.

Freeing Islamabad From American Clutches

Freeing Islamabad From American Clutches

If Gen. Kayani is going to turn the tables, it will have to be a clean break and we have to be ready for the consequences.

Brzezinski: Intelligence Agencies Manipulating WikiLeaks

Brzezinski: Intelligence Agencies Manipulating WikiLeaks

Mr. Brzezinksi suspects that an unnamed intelligence agency is ’seeding’ information through WikiLeaks to target specific countries.